Enigmatic Code

Programming Enigma Puzzles

Tantalizer 12: Aunts

From New Scientist #562, 14th September 1967 [link]

“Be a dear”, said Aunt Agatha, “and write to that nice man about the things”.

“Which nice man about what things?” I asked.

“The man who collects beetles about the hymn-books”, replied my aunt without hesitation. “Here’s his address:

Ernest Baggins,

“That doesn’t sound right, dear”, interrupted Aunt Maud. “I’m sure he’s not Baggins. Where’s my book? Yes, here we are:

Ernest Boggins,

“That’s not what I’ve got”, put in Aunt Jobiska. “I’ve got:

Edward Biggins,

“Not Biggins, Jobiska, Boggins”, this from Aunt Kate.

“Edward Boggins,

“Stuff!”, said Aunt Tabitha rudely, “He is called Ernest Buggins, poor man, and his address is:


As no Aunt was willing to give way, I had to ring the vicar and he, it turned out, was both deaf and loquacious. However, I got the name and address in the end and found that each aunt had been right in exactly two out of her five particulars.

What is his name and address?

A version of this puzzle appears in the book Tantalizers (1970) under the title “Aunt Maud”.


2 responses to “Tantalizer 12: Aunts

  1. Jim Randell 31 May 2023 at 11:06 am

    See also: Tantalizer 10, Teaser 3122.

    This Python program runs in 61ms. (Internal runtime is 2.3ms).

    Run: [ @replit ]

    from enigma import (unzip, union, cproduct, seq2str, printf)
    # statements
    statements = [
      ('Ernest', 'Baggins', 'Mallards',  'Appleton', 'Kent'),
      ('Ernest', 'Boggins', 'Halyards',  'Bladon',   'Surrey'),
      ('Edward', 'Biggins', 'Haystacks', 'Cuxham',   'Surrey'),
      ('Edward', 'Boggins', 'Pollards',  'Appleton', 'Sussex'),
      ('Ernest', 'Buggins', 'Willows',   'Bladon',   'Surrey'),
    # collect possible values for each attributes
    attrs = list(union([xs, ['???']]) for xs in unzip(statements))
    # count matches
    correct = lambda xs, ys: sum(x == y for (x, y) in zip(xs, ys))
    # consider possible attributes
    for ss in cproduct(attrs):
      # each statement is correct in exactly 2 attributes
      if not all(correct(ss, xs) == 2 for xs in statements): continue
      printf("{ss}", ss=seq2str(ss, sep=" ", enc=""))

    Solution: The correct address is:

    Ernest Biggins

    • GeoffR 2 June 2023 at 4:48 pm
      # List of possible aunts' statements
      statements = []
      # Aunts' witness statements
      W1 = ['Ernest', 'Baggins', 'Mallards',  'Appleton', 'Kent']
      W2 = ['Ernest', 'Boggins', 'Halyards',  'Bladon',   'Surrey' ]
      W3 = ['Edward', 'Biggins', 'Haystacks', 'Cuxham',   'Surrey' ]
      W4 = ['Edward', 'Boggins', 'Pollards',  'Appleton', 'Sussex'] 
      W5 = ['Ernest', 'Buggins', 'Willows',   'Bladon',   'Surrey' ]
      # Form lists of all possible witness statements
      # There are 2 x 4 x 5 x 3 x 3 = 360 no. possible statements
      # a = first name, b = last name, c = house, d = village, e = county
      for a in ('Ernest', 'Edward'): 
        for b in ('Baggins', 'Biggins', 'Boggins', 'Buggins'):
          for c in ('Mallards', 'Halyards', 'Haystacks', 'Pollards', 'Willows'):
            for d in ('Appleton', 'Bladon', 'Cuxham'):
              for e in ('Kent', 'Surrey', 'Sussex'):
                statements.append([a, b, c, d, e])
      # Iterate through all statements for each aunt
      for st in statements:
          a, b, c, d, e = st
          # Two statements from five are true for each aunt
          # test Aunt No.1 statements (Agatha)
          if sum([a == W1[0], b == W1[1], c == W1[2], \
                  d == W1[3], e == W1[4]]) == 2:
            # test Aunt No.2 statements (Maud)
            if sum([a == W2[0], b == W2[1], c == W2[2], \
                    d == W2[3], e == W2[4]]) == 2:
              # test Aunt No.3 statements (Jobiska)
              if sum([ a == W3[0], b == W3[1], c == W3[2], \
                       d == W3[3], e == W3[4]]) == 2:
                # test Aunt No.4 statements (Kate)
                if sum([a == W4[0], b == W4[1], c == W4[2], \
                        d == W4[3], e == W4[4]]) == 2:
                  # test Aunt No.5 statements (Tabitha)
                  if sum([ a == W5[0], b == W5[1], c == W5[2], \
                           d == W5[3], e == W5[4]]) == 2:
                    # print his name and address
                    print(f"His Name was {a} {b}.",
                          f"\nHis address was {c}, {d}, {e}.")
      # His Name was Ernest Biggins. 
      # His address was Pollards, Appleton, Surrey.

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