Enigmatic Code

Programming Enigma Puzzles

Rudolphogram #1

Find the smallest perfect square with exactly 2 zeroes, 2 ones, 2 twos, …, 2 nines.

The perfect square may not start with a zero.

This weeks bonus puzzle was suggested by new contributor ruudvanderham.


6 responses to “Rudolphogram #1

  1. Jim Randell 3 April 2024 at 4:06 pm

    We know that each square with the required property must be a 20-digit number (as each of the digits 0-9 occurs exactly twice), and so we can choose an appropriate lower bound on values to square to start our search.

    The following Python program can also be used to explore numbers with the desired property in different bases.

    Run: [ @replit ]

    from enigma import (irange, powers, sqrtc, sqrtf, flatten, nconcat, rev, nsplit, int2base, arg, printf)
    # find the smallest positive integer that in base <b> uses each digit exactly <k> times
    def solve(k, b=10):
      # the collection of digits (in ascending order)
      ds = flatten([x] * k for x in irange(b))
      # for the lower bound we bring the first non-zero digit to the front
      x = sqrtc(nconcat([ds[k]] + ds[:k] + ds[k + 1:], base=b))
      # for the upper bound we reverse the digits
      y = sqrtf(nconcat(rev(ds), base=b))
      # consider squares between <a> and <b> in the appropriate base
      for n in powers(x, y, 2):
        if sorted(nsplit(n, base=b)) == ds:
          return n
    # solve for specified base
    b = arg(10, 0, int)
    n = solve(2, b)
    printf("base {b}: {n} = {x}", x=int2base(n, base=b))

    Solution: The smallest such number is 10012495377283485696.

    In base b the number will be 2b digits long.

    Here are the corresponding numbers for bases 2 – 16 (given in decimal and the appropriate base):

    base 2: 9 = 1001
    base 3: 676 = 221001
    base 4: 29241 = 13020321
    base 5: 2553604 = 1123203404
    base 6: 392832400 = 102551432304
    base 7: 97452606276 = 10016652325434
    base 8: 35583742274521 = 1005637424265731
    base 9: 16707243826302016 = 100127386537824564
    base 10: 10012495377283485696 = 10012495377283485696
    base 11: 7407066232076196540100 = 10012538463A7852796A94
    base 12: 6629277586409152609000000 = 1001226576AA33B897B84594
    base 13: 7060158983801327528140482816 = 100122354C8946896A7375ABBC
    base 14: 8823473950337293896075103908361 = 100122336594BC487CA986AD5D7B
    base 15: 12787733934805648672417033818578916 = 1001223358A947DCC8D49AEB5B67E6
    base 16: 21273533899093208552699341972477143225 = 10012233579B84FCEA47F6DEDCA568B9

    • Frits 3 April 2024 at 7:07 pm

      With a little adaptation we can also find a cube 10056421854778936239 and a biquadrate 23514473895962870016.

    • Frits 3 April 2024 at 7:56 pm

      For base = 10 we can accelerate it a bit by only considering roots that are divisible by 3 (as the perfect square is divisible by 9 (sum digits = 90)).

  2. ruudvanderham 4 April 2024 at 5:35 pm

    Thanks to @jim randell, I start my search now later than my original sqrt(1e19).

    This my one-liner using Counter.

    from collections import Counter
    from math import sqrt, ceil
    result = next(i for i in range(ceil(sqrt(10012233445566778899)), int(sqrt(99887766554433221100))) if set(Counter(f"{i * i}").values()) == {2})
    print(f"{result} ** 2 = {result*result}")

    And an -arguably more performant- implementation with a defaultdict. The moment a digit occurs three times, the scan will be aborted.

    from collections import defaultdict
    from math import sqrt, ceil
    for i in range(ceil(sqrt(10012233445566778899)), int(sqrt(99887766554433221100))):
        count_per_digit = defaultdict(int)
        for digit in f"{i*i}":
            if count_per_digit[digit] == 2: # we can't have more than two occurences of the same digit
            count_per_digit[digit] += 1
        else: # all digits passed
            print(f"{i} ** 2 = {i*i}")
  3. Arthur Vause 5 April 2024 at 10:29 am

    The fastest I can get is a search of squares of numbers that are multiples of 3. (A double pandigital is a multiple of 9, so its square root is a multiple of 3)

    def search():
      n = int( 10012233445566778899**0.5)
      n -= n%3
      target = list('00112233445566778899')
      while 1:
        if sorted(str(n*n)) == target:
          print(f"{n}^2 = {n*n}" )
    • Frits 5 April 2024 at 2:54 pm

      This is a little bit faster. Strange thing is that the an any() version of line 5-7 seems to be slower.

      def search():
        def is_double_pandigital(n):
          s = str(n)
          for x in "0123456789":
            if s.count(x) != 2:
              return False
          return True 
        n = int( 10012233445566778899**0.5)
        n -= n%3
        while 1:
          if is_double_pandigital(n * n):
            print(f"{n}^2 = {n*n}" )

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