Enigmatic Code

Programming Enigma Puzzles

Enigma 45: Six squares – harder

From New Scientist #1188, 3rd January 1980 [link] [link]

“You may remember,” said Mr Knull, “helping me recently to find the smallest possible set of three different integers P, Q and R such that P+Q, P+R, Q+R, P−Q, P−R and Q−R are all perfect squares. It was P=17, Q=8, R=−8.

“Here now is the harder version. Again you need to find P, Q and R satisfying the same conditions. But this time we don’t allow any of the three integers to be negative.”

Can you help me again, please, by finding the smallest set of three different integers which meet the conditions? By smallest I mean with P+Q+R as small as possible.

This puzzle refers back to Enigma 40.

A solution is given in New Scientist #1189, and in New Scientist #1190 it is noted that no correct solutions were recieved. However I think there is a solution where P+Q+R is smaller than that given as the solution in the magazine.

I sent New Scientist an email about this in December 2011, and in New Scientist #2853 an item was published in the Feedback section about my email, and I was awarded the prize for solving the puzzle 32 years late!

Note: This puzzle resurfaced as Project Euler Problem 142.

Note: This problem is known as Mengoli’s Six-Square Problem (1674). Euler found the smallest solution (1765), by hand.

[enigma45] [euler142]

11 responses to “Enigma 45: Six squares – harder

  1. Jim Randell 1 December 2011 at 2:48 pm

    It took me a couple of attempts before I found a satisfactory approach that would run in a sensible time. This Python program finds the published solution, and a “better” one in 1.6s (or 255ms using PyPy):

    # consider: P+Q = a^2, P+R = b^2, Q+R = c^2
    # a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 2(P+Q+R) so we can minimise that
    # also: P > Q > R > 0
    # so: a^2 > b^2 > c^2
    # and also the following must be squares:
    # b^2 - c^2 = P-Q
    # a^2 - c^2 = P-R
    # a^2 - b^2 = Q-R
    from itertools import count
    from enigma import is_square, printf
    def solve():
      for a in count(2):
        a2 = a ** 2
        for b in range(1, a):
          b2 = b ** 2
          if not is_square(a2 - b2): continue
          for c in range(0, b):
            c2 = c ** 2
            if not is_square(a2 - c2): continue
            if not is_square(b2 - c2): continue
            (S, r) = divmod(a2 + b2 + c2, 2)
            if r > 0: continue
            (P, r) = divmod(a2 + b2 - c2, 2)
            if r > 0: continue
            (Q, r) = divmod(a2 + c2 - b2, 2)
            if r > 0: continue
            (R, r) = divmod(b2 + c2 - a2, 2)
            if r > 0: continue
            if not(P > Q > R > 0): continue
            yield (S, P, Q, R)
    # how many solutions to find
    import sys
    n = 2 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else eval(sys.argv[1])
    for (S, P, Q, R) in solve():
      printf("S={S} P={P} Q={Q} R={R}")
      if n == 1: break
      n -= 1

    Solution: P=434657, Q=420968, R=150568, P+Q+R=1006193.

    This satisfies the conditions of the puzzle and is smaller than the published solution of: P=733025, Q=488000, R=418304, P+Q+R=1639329. (Which you can find by running with a command-line argument greater than 1).

    • Jim Randell 24 February 2012 at 8:56 am

      Here’s my algorithm coded up in BBC BASIC, running on emulated hardware from the 80’s. For the details see [ http://jimpulse.blogspot.com/2012/02/retrocomputing-enigma-45.html ].

         10 start% = TIME
         20 a% = 2
         30 REPEAT
         40   a2% = a% * a%
         50   FOR b% = 1 TO a% - 1
         60     b2% = b% * b%
         70     IF NOT FNsquare(a2% - b2%) THEN GOTO 320
         80     FOR c% = 0 TO b% - 1
         90       c2% = c% * c%
        100       IF NOT FNsquare(a2% - c2%) THEN GOTO 310
        110       IF NOT FNsquare(b2% - c2%) THEN GOTO 310
        120       r% = b2% + c2% - a2%
        130       IF r% MOD 2 = 1 THEN GOTO 310
        140       r% = r% DIV 2
        150       IF NOT(r% > 0) THEN GOTO 310
        160       q% = a2% + c2% - b2%
        170       IF q% MOD 2 = 1 THEN GOTO 310
        180       q% = q% DIV 2
        190       IF NOT(q% > r%) THEN GOTO 310
        200       p% = a2% + b2% - c2%
        210       IF p% MOD 2 = 1 THEN GOTO 310
        220       p% = p% DIV 2
        230       IF NOT(p% > q%) THEN GOTO 310
        240       s% = a2% + b2% + c2%
        250       IF s% MOD 2 = 1 THEN GOTO 310
        260       s% = s% DIV 2
        270       PRINT "S=";s%;" P=";p%;" Q=";q%;" R=";r%
        280       PRINT "Time = ";(TIME - start%) / 100;"s"
        290       INPUT "More?" a$
        300       start% = TIME
        310     NEXT c%
        320   NEXT b%
        330   a% = a% + 1
        340 UNTIL FALSE
        350 DEF FNsquare(n%)
        360   i% = INT(SQR(n%) + 0.5)
        370   =(i% * i% = n%)
      S=1006193 P=434657 Q=420968 R=150568
      Time = 18128.13s
      S=1639329 P=733025 Q=488000 R=418304
      Time = 8236.63s
      Escape at line 290
    • Jim Randell 1 March 2012 at 11:22 pm

      This slight modification makes the program run in half the time (800ms to find 2 solutions, or 213ms to find just the first one), by caching the (a², b²) pairs where a²−b² is a perfect square, and then using those to find the (b², c²) pairs. It also includes code to make sure the solutions come out in strict P+Q+R order (which slows it down again).

      from itertools import count
      from collections import defaultdict
      from heapq import heappush, heappop
      from enigma import is_square, printf
      def solve():
        # q: queue up the solutions
        q = []
        # squares: a^2 -> list of b^2 where a^2 - b^2 is a perfect square
        squares = defaultdict(list)
        for a in count(2):
          a2 = a ** 2
          for b in range(1, a):
            b2 = b ** 2
            if not is_square(a2 - b2): continue
            if not b2 in squares: continue
            for c2 in squares[b2]:
              if not is_square(a2 - c2): continue
              (S, r) = divmod(a2 + b2 + c2, 2)
              if r > 0: continue
              (P, r) = divmod(a2 + b2 - c2, 2)
              if r > 0: continue
              (Q, r) = divmod(a2 + c2 - b2, 2)
              if r > 0: continue
              (R, r) = divmod(b2 + c2 - a2, 2)
              if r > 0: continue
              if not(P > Q > R > 0): continue
              heappush(q, (S, P, Q, R))
              # min S for this a
              ms = (a2 + 5) // 2
              while q and q[0][0] < ms:
                yield heappop(q)
      # how many solutions to find
      import sys
      n = 2 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else eval(sys.argv[1])
      for (S, P, Q, R) in solve():
        printf("S={S} P={P} Q={Q} R={R}")
        if n == 1: break
        n -= 1
    • Tessa Fullwood 3 March 2012 at 3:38 pm

      I like programming and have just completed coding an algorithm of my own, to run in MATLAB. MATLAB is really far too powerful for the job! So how does an elapsed time of 13 minutes 38 seconds, for ‘a’ from 3 to 1000 sound?.

      Will now look at the code above!

      Tessa F

  2. Brian Gladman 1 March 2012 at 11:27 pm

    Here is an alternative Python implementation

    from itertools import count, combinations
    from time import clock
    from sys import argv
    class Timer() :
      def __enter__(self): self.start = clock()
      def __exit__(self, *args):
        t = clock() - self.start
        if t < 10.0:
          print(' ({0:.2f} milliseconds)'.format(1000 * (clock() - self.start)))
          print(' ({0:.2f} seconds)'.format(clock() - self.start))
    def is_square(x):
      t = int(x ** 0.5 + 0.1)
      return t if x == t * t else None
    def find():
      # find Pythagorean triples where the hypotenuse (a)
      # can be represented in more than one way
      for a in count(2):
        sol = []
        for x in range(1, a):
          t = a * a - x * x
          if t <= x * x:
          y = is_square(t)
          if y:
            sol += [(y, x)]
        # take representations in pairs and allocate them to 
        # (b, f) and (c, e) in such a way that b > c
        for cc in combinations(sol, 2):
          t1 = ( ((cc[0][0], cc[1][0]), (cc[1][1], cc[0][1]))
                 if cc[0][0] > cc[1][0] else
                 ((cc[1][0], cc[0][0]), (cc[0][1], cc[1][1])) )
          t2 = ( ((cc[0][0], cc[1][1]), (cc[1][0], cc[0][1]))
                 if cc[0][0] > cc[1][1] else
                 ((cc[1][0], cc[0][1]), (cc[0][0], cc[1][1])) )
          # check if these give a square for the final value (d)
          for (b, c), (e, f) in (t1, t2):
            d = is_square(b ** 2 - c ** 2)
            if d and len(set((a, b, c, d, e, f))) == 6:
              p, q, r = a * a + d * d, a * a - d * d, c * c - f * f
              if not ((p & 1) or (q & 1) or (r & 1)):
                yield p // 2, q // 2, r // 2, (p + q + r) // 2
    n = 2 if len(argv) < 2 else eval(argv[1])
    with Timer():
      for p, q, r, s in find():
        print('S ={0:8d} P ={1:8d} Q ={2:8d} R ={3:8d}'.format(s, p, q, r))
        n -= 1
        if not n:
    • Jim Randell 1 March 2012 at 11:59 pm

      Thanks for that. And for showing me the [code]...[/code] tags – I didn’t know those worked in WordPress. Although with a bit of digging I’ve found you can use [sourcecode language="python"]...[/sourcecode] to get syntax highlighting too!

      • Brian Gladman 2 March 2012 at 8:14 am

        An interesting find, Jim – can you edit the tags to add syntax highlighting to my post?

        • Jim Randell 3 March 2012 at 5:39 pm

          Yep. Done. I had a look to see if I could allow people to edit their own comments on wordpress.com, but I couldn’t find a setting for that.

          • geoffrounce 27 January 2016 at 6:54 pm
            % Another candidate for a MiniZinc solution 
            % - but longer run-time than Enigma 40
            include "globals.mzn";
            var 0..500000: P; var 0..500000: Q; var 0..500000: R;
            predicate is_square(var int: c) =
               let {
                  var 0..ceil(pow(int2float(ub(c)),(1/2.0))): z
               } in z * z = c ;
            constraint all_different([P,Q,R]); 
            constraint is_square (P+Q) /\ is_square(P+R) /\ is_square(Q+R)
                    /\ is_square(P-Q) /\ is_square(P-R) /\ is_square(Q-R);
            solve minimize(P+Q+R);
            output["P, Q, R = ",show(P)," , ",show(Q)," , ",show(R)];
            % Running Enigma 45 Six Squares.mzn
            % P, Q, R = 434657 , 420968 , 150568
            %Finished in 3m 46s
            • geoffrounce 31 January 2016 at 9:43 pm

              To identify the actual squares in this enigma:
              As P, Q, R = 434657 , 420968 , 150568 :

              1) P + Q = 855625 (925 * 925)
              2) P + R = 585225 (765 * 765)
              3) Q + R = 571536 (756 * 756)
              4) P – Q = 13689 (117 * 117)
              5) P – R = 284089 (533 * 533)
              6) Q – R = 270400 (520 * 520)

            • Jim Randell 2 February 2016 at 3:59 pm

              That’s interesting. I did write a MiniZinc model to try and solve this some time ago, but I didn’t put upper bounds on the integers, and also used constraints to check for squares, like this:

              var int: s1;
              constraint s1 > 0 /\ (P + Q) == s1 * s1;

              When I gave it to the [[ mzn-gecode ]] solver to chew on, it didn’t come back after 10 minutes, so I gave up on it.

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