Enigmatic Code

Programming Enigma Puzzles

Enigma 144: Spoiling triangles and quads

From New Scientist #1289, 21st January 1982 [link] [link]

Enigma 144

A is a grid of 63 matchsticks. B shows one way of removing 21 matches so as to “spoil” all the triangles in the grid (there are 78 of various sizes) by removing one or more matches from the boundary of each. And C shows a way (an improvement due to Miss Gregory and Mr Buckle on the previously published solution to Enigma 82) of removing 20 matches so as to spoil all the 492 quadrilaterals. The problem now is: what is the smallest number of matches you must remove so as to spoil all the triangles and all the quadrilaterals in A?

Note that C actually has 21 matches removed, although it is possible to solve Enigma 82 by removing only 20 matches (see the diagram attached to my solution).


3 responses to “Enigma 144: Spoiling triangles and quads

  1. Jim Randell 11 November 2013 at 10:08 am

    As noted this problem is an extension of Enigma 82. I augmented the program I wrote for Enigma 82 to generate a suitable data file for the GLPK solver, although I found running glpsol on the output was taking too much time and memory (much more than for the equivalent problem for Enigma 82), so I used lp_solve which seemed to be both faster and use less memory (and can take the same format data). But even then it took 8h57m to complete an exhaustive search (although it finds the solution after only 5m26s, so if you already know the answer you can use the [[ -o ]] option to find a solution of the appropriate size). A commercial ILP solver, that’s able to use multiple CPU cores would no doubt improve on this.

    Solution: The smallest number of matches required to spoil all quadrilaterals and triangles is 29.

    Enigma 144 - Solution

  2. Jim Randell 11 November 2013 at 10:35 am

    Here’s the Python program I used to generate the data for the ILP solver.

    from itertools import (product, combinations)
    from enigma import (irange, flatten, is_pairwise_distinct, Accumulator, printf)
    # consider the grid to be made of points (x, y) for 0 < x + y < N + 1
    # lines along x=n, y=n, x=y.
    # points reachable from p along each axis
    def points(p, n):
      (x0, y0) = p
      px = set((x, y0) for x in irange(0, n - y0) if x != x0)
      py = set((x0, y) for y in irange(0, n - x0) if y != y0)
      m = x0 + y0
      pz = set((x, m - x) for x in irange(0, m) if x != x0)
      return (px, py, pz)
    # points on the line between p0 and p1
    def line(p0, p1):
      if p0[0] == p1[0]:
        return set((p0[0], y) for y in irange(min(p0[1], p1[1]), max(p0[1], p1[1])))
      if p0[1] == p1[1]:
        return set((x, p0[1]) for x in irange(min(p0[0], p1[0]), max(p0[0], p1[0])))
      m = sum(p0)
      if m == sum(p1):
        return set((x, m - x) for x in irange(min(p0[0], p1[0]), max(p0[0], p1[0])))
    # are the points collinear?
    def is_collinear(p0, p1, p2):
      return (
        p0[0] == p1[0] == p2[0] or
        p0[1] == p1[1] == p2[1] or
        sum(p0) == sum(p1) == sum(p2)
    # do the points identify a non-crossing quad?
    def is_quad(p0, p1, p2, p3):
      return (
        is_pairwise_distinct(p0, p1, p2, p3) and
        # the lines (p0, p2) and (p1, p3) must not cross
        (not line(p0, p2).intersection(line(p1, p3))) and
        (not line(p0, p1).intersection(line(p2, p3))) and
        # check the none of the points are collinear
        (not is_collinear(p0, p1, p2)) and
        (not is_collinear(p0, p1, p3)) and
        (not is_collinear(p0, p2, p3)) and
        (not is_collinear(p1, p2, p3))
    # generate all quads on the n x n triangular array
    def quads(n):
      seen = set()
      # consider each point in the lattice
      for y in irange(0, n):
        for x in irange(0, n - y):
          p0 = (x, y)
          # extend the quad along two of the vertices
          for (i, j) in combinations(points(p0, n), 2):
            # consider points along these axes
            for (p1, p2) in product(i, j):
              # and the final point completes the quad
              for p3 in set(flatten(points(p1, n))).intersection(flatten(points(p2, n))):
                if not is_quad(p0, p1, p2, p3): continue
                q = tuple(sorted((p0, p1, p2, p3)))
                if q in seen: continue
                yield (p0, p1, p2, p3)
    # return the set of edges on this line
    def edges(p0, p1):
      if p0[0] == p1[0]:
        return set((2 * p0[0], 2 * y + 1) for y in range(min(p0[1], p1[1]), max(p0[1], p1[1])))
      if p0[1] == p1[1]:
        return set((2 * x + 1, 2 * p0[1]) for x in range(min(p0[0], p1[0]), max(p0[0], p1[0])))
      m = sum(p0)
      if m == sum(p1):
        return set((2 * x + 1, 2 * (m - x) - 1) for x in range(min(p0[0], p1[0]), max(p0[0], p1[0])))
      return set()
    # return the set of edges in this quad
    def quad_edges(q):
      (p0, p1, p2, p3) = q
      return edges(p0, p1).union(edges(p0, p2), edges(p1, p3), edges(p2, p3))
    # generate all triangles on the triangular array with side length n
    def tris(n):
      # consider each point in the lattice
      for y in irange(0, n):
        for x in irange(0, n - y):
          # triangle edge length
          for e in irange(1, n - (x + y)):
            yield ((x, y), (x + e, y), (x, y + e))
            if not (e > y):
              yield ((x, y), (x + e, y), (x + e, y - e))
    # return the set of edges in this triangle
    def tri_edges(t):
      (p0, p1, p2) = t
      return edges(p0, p1).union(edges(p0, p2), edges(p1, p2))
    import sys
    N = 6 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1])
    # find all the quads on an NxN triangular array
    qs = list()
    for q in quads(N):
      # label the matchsticks (with an integer)
      m = set(e[1] + 100 * e[0] for e in quad_edges(q))
      printf("[quad {n}] {q} {m}", n=len(qs))
    # find all the triangles on an NxN triangular array
    ts = list()
    for t in tris(N):
      m = set(e[1] + 100 * e[0] for e in tri_edges(t))
      printf("[tri {n}] {t} {m}", n=len(ts))
    # find a minimum hitting set for the quads
    # output a file suitable for processing by GLPK
    # glpsol -m enigma82.mod -d enigma82.data
    from enigma import sprintf
    name = 'enigma144'
    fn = name + '.data'
    printf("generating {fn}")
    with open(fn, 'w') as f:
      ss = qs + ts
      ms = sorted(set().union(*ss))
      f.write(sprintf("set MATCHES := {m};\n", m=' '.join(str(x) for x in ms)))
      f.write(sprintf("set SHAPES := {s};\n", s=' '.join(str(x) for (x, s) in enumerate(ss))))
      f.write(sprintf("param a: {m} :=\n",  m=' '.join(str(x) for x in ms)))
      for (x, s) in enumerate(ss):
        f.write(sprintf(" {x} {s}\n", s=' '.join(str(int(x in s)) for x in ms)))

    And the LP model:

    /* sets - the matches and the shapes */
    set MATCHES;
    set SHAPES;
    /* parameters - the inclusion matrix */
    param a {i in SHAPES, j in MATCHES};
    /* decision variables for the matches */
    var x {j in MATCHES} binary >= 0;
    /* objective - minimum hitting set */
    minimize size: sum{j in MATCHES} x[j];
    /* constraint - the hitting set spoils each quad */
    s.t. hit{i in SHAPES}: sum{j in MATCHES} a[i,j] * x[j] >= 1;

    I would then run the solver like this:

    lp_solve -v6 -rxlidata enigma144.data -rxli xli_MathProg enigma144.mod

    For N=6, lp_solve finds a minimal solution in 8h57m. If [[ -o 29 ]] is applied the solution is found in 5m26s.

    For N=5, lp_solve finds a minimal solution in 24.5s. If [[ -o 20 ]] is applied the solution is found in 122ms.

  3. Jim Randell 7 April 2023 at 11:50 am

    As noted, this problem is an extension of Enigma 82, so here is an extension to my code that uses the Minimum Hitting Set implementation in MiniZinc that I used to solve Enigma 82, along with neater code for generating the triangles.

    The size 6 grid is solved in 5.3 seconds, the size 7 grid in 22 seconds, the size 8 grid in 44 seconds, the size 9 grid in 4 minutes, and the size 10 grid in 12 hours (using the highs solver).

    from enigma import (namedtuple, irange, subsets, ordered, cproduct, repeat, union, arg, printf)
    from utils_mzn import hitting_set
    # edge length of the triangular grid
    N = arg(6, 0, int)
    # a point has x and y values
    P = namedtuple("P", "x y")
    # points are non-negative (x, y) s.t. x + y <= N
    pts = set()
    for y in irange(0, N):
      pts.update(P(x, y) for x in irange(0, N - y))
    # make a set of matchsticks from quad edges
    # each matchstick is of the form ((ax, ay), (bx, by))
    def sticks(edges):
      ss = list()
      for (a, b) in edges:
        if a.x == b.x:
          ss.extend((P(a.x, y), P(a.x, y + 1)) for y in irange(a.y, b.y - 1))
        elif a.y == b.y:
          ss.extend((P(x, a.y), P(x + 1, a.y)) for x in irange(a.x, b.x - 1))
        elif a.x + a.y == b.x + b.y:
          ss.extend((P(a.x - k - 1, a.y + k + 1), P(a.x - k, a.y + k)) for k in irange(0, a.x - b.x - 1))
      return ss
    # rotate a tuple of sticks
    rot = lambda ss: tuple(ordered(P(a.y, N - a.y - a.x), P(b.y, N - b.y - b.x)) for (a, b) in ss)
    # find quads
    quads = set()
    # choose a base level for the quadrilateral
    for y1 in irange(0, N - 2):
      # choose positions for the base points
      for (ax, bx) in subsets(irange(0, N - y1), size=2):
        # choose a top level
        for y2 in irange(y1 + 1, N - 1):
          k = y2 - y1
          # choose position for the top points
          for (px, qx) in cproduct([[ax - k, ax], [bx - k, bx]]):
            if px < qx and P(px, y2) in pts and P(qx, y2) in pts:
              # find the matchsticks involved from the edges of the quadrilateral
              quad = sticks([
                (P(ax, y1), P(bx, y1)), # base
                (P(px, y2), P(qx, y2)), # top
                (P(ax, y1), P(px, y2)), # left
                (P(bx, y1), P(qx, y2)), # right
              # record all 3 rotations of the quadrilateral
              for qs in repeat(rot, quad, 2):
    # find triangles
    tris = set()
    # choose a base level for the triangle
    for y in irange(0, N - 1):
      # choose positions for the base points
      for (ax, bx) in subsets(irange(0, N - y), size=2):
        k = bx - ax
        # find matchsticks involved from the edges of the triangle
        tri = sticks([
          (P(ax, y), P(bx, y)), # base
          (P(ax, y), P(ax, y + k)), # left
          (P(bx, y), P(bx - k, y + k)), # right
        if not (k > y):
          # and the inverted triangle
          tri = sticks([
            (P(ax, y), P(bx, y)), # top
            (P(ax + k, y - k), P(ax, y)), # left
            (P(bx, y - k), P(bx, y)), # right
    printf("[N={N} -> {t} tris, {q} quads]", t=len(tris), q=len(quads))
    # find a minimum hitting set
    hs = hitting_set(union([tris, quads]), solver="minizinc --solver highs")
    printf("minimum hitting set size {n}", n=len(hs))

    Solution: The smallest number of matches required to spoil all quadrilaterals and triangles is 29.

    t = tris; q = quads; s = spoilers
     N     t     q    s   [highs ]
     1:    1     0    1   [ 188ms]
     2:    5     6    4   [ 194ms]
     3:   13    33    8   [ 222ms]
     4:   27   102   13   [ 259ms]
     5:   48   243   20   [ 454ms]
     6:   78   492   29   [ 3.45s]
     7:  118   894   39   [ 12.6s]
     8:  170  1500   50   [ 31.8s]
     9:  235  2370   63   [ 3m23s]
    10:  315  3570   78   [11h42m]

    t = OEIS A002717
    q = OEIS A204185
    s = OEIS ???

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