Enigmatic Code

Programming Enigma Puzzles

Enigma 1427: Equal lengths

From New Scientist #2588, 27th January 2007

I challenged Harry and Tom to draw this diagram, with the angles ABD, BEC and CED each 90° and each side of the three triangles an integral number (less than 40) of centimetres long.

Enigma 1427

They each managed to do this.

In Harry’s version (AB+BC) was the same length as (AD+DC); in Tom’s version (AB+BE) was the same length as (AD+DE); CE was the same length in both versions.

What was the length of the perimeter of the quadrilateral ABCD in (a) Harry’s version, (b) Tom’s version?


5 responses to “Enigma 1427: Equal lengths

  1. Jim Randell 26 May 2013 at 9:40 am

    This Python program examines all possible combinations of Pythagorean triangles with hypotenuse less than 40 to find the answer. It runs in 51ms.

    from collections import defaultdict
    from itertools import product
    from enigma import irange, printf
    # find pythagorean triples with a hypotenuse less than 40
    ts = list()
    for c in irange(1, 39):
      for b in irange(1, c - 1):
        for a in irange(1, b - 1):
          if a * a + b * b == c * c:
            ts.append((a, b, c))
    # now find pairs of triangles with a matching non-hypotenuse side
    (Hs, Ts) = (list(), list())
    for (X, Y) in product(ts, repeat=2):
      # match the sides
      for (x, y) in product((0, 1), repeat=2):
        if X[x] != Y[y]: continue
        # sum the non-matching non-hypotenuse sides
        s = X[x ^ 1] + Y[y ^ 1]
        # find a matching Z
        for Z in ts:
          for z in (0, 1):
            if Z[z] != s: continue
            # check the conditions
            (AB, BC, BE, CE, AD, DC, DE) = (Z[z ^ 1], Y[2], Y[y ^ 1], X[x], Z[2], X[2], X[x ^ 1])
            p = AB + BC + DC + AD
            # for Harry:
            if (AB + BC == AD + DC):
              Hs.append((CE, p, (X, Y, Z)))
              printf("[H: {X} {Y} {Z} / {x} {y} {z} / CE={CE} p={p}]")
            # for Tom: AB + BE = AD + DE
            if (AB + BE == AD + DE):
              Ts.append((CE, p, (X, Y, Z)))
              printf("[T: {X} {Y} {Z} / {x} {y} {z} / CE={CE} p={p}]")
    # choose H and T
    for (H, T) in product(Hs, Ts):
      # CE is the same
      if H[0] != T[0]: continue
      printf("pH={H[1]} pT={T[1]} [H={H[2]} T={T[2]}]")

    Solution: (a) 90 cm; (b) 76 cm.

  2. Ahmet Saracoğlu 31 May 2013 at 1:07 pm

    In my machine which has 2.6 Ghz processor, the execution time is 16ms.

    import time
    Hip=[5,10,15,20,25,30,35,13,26,39,17,34,29,37]# These are the biggest side of the triangles
    import itertools as permt
    def FindTwoCircumferences():
        satisfier=[[0 for i in range(2)]for i in range(20)]
        for i in range(len(permus)):
            if a in range(40):#Every side must be less than 40."
                if int(root)==root:
                    cminusd=(b-f)*(b+f)//root#this equation comes from c^2+h^2=b^2 and d^2+h^2=f^2
                    c=(root+cminusd)//2# root denotes for c+d and c can be found easly by solving the eq.
                    if int(h1)==h1 and h1>0 and h1==h2 :
                        for j in range(len(Hip)):
                            if h1<hip:
                                if int(c1)==c1:
        #This part is for the other circumference
        for i in range(counter):
            for j in range(counter):
                if c>d and satisfier[i][1]==satisfier[j][1]:
                    for k in range(len(Hip)):
                        if cplusd<hip:
                            if (pow(hip,2)-pow(cplusd,2))==pow(a,2):
  3. geoffrounce 29 October 2017 at 11:18 am

    Triangles BEC and DEC are the same for Tom and Harry. Only triangle ABD is different between them. To get Tom’s solution I had to comment out Harry’s constraint and output line – vice versa to get Harry’s solutions, for which the code is relevant.

    Only Tom’s perimeter of 76 cm and Harry’s perimeter of 90 cm have the same value of EC (or CE)

    % A Solution in MiniZinc
    include "globals.mzn"; 
    var 1..40:AB;   var 1..40:BD;   var 1..40:AD;   var 1..40:BC; 
    var 1..40:CD;   var 1..40:BE;   var 1..40:ED;   var 1..40:EC;
    var 4..160:ABCD = AB + BC + CD + AD;   % perimeter of quadrilateral ABCD
    % Triangle square constraints
    constraint AB * AB + BD * BD = AD * AD;
    constraint BE * BE + EC * EC = BC * BC;
    constraint ED * ED + EC * EC = CD * CD;
    constraint BD = BE + ED;
    % Harry's constraint
    constraint AB + BC = AD + CD;
    % Tom's constraint
    %constraint AB + BE = AD + ED;
    solve satisfy;
    %output [ "Tom's perimeter ABCD = " ++ show(ABCD)]
    output [ "Harry's perimeter ABCD = " ++ show(ABCD)]
    ++     [ ":  (AB,BD,AD) = " ++ show(AB) ++ " " ++ show(BD) ++ " " ++ show(AD) ]
    ++     [ ",  (BC,BE,EC) = " ++ show(BC) ++ " " ++ show(BE) ++ " " ++ show(EC) ]
    ++     [ ",  (CD,ED,EC) = " ++ show(CD) ++ " " ++ show(ED) ++ " " ++ show(EC) ] ;
    % Multiple Output Configuration
    % Tom's perimeter ABCD = 76:  (AB,BD,AD) = 20 21 29,  (BC,BE,EC) = 17 15 8,  (CD,ED,EC) = 10 6 8
    % Harry's perimeter ABCD = 90:  (AB,BD,AD) = 28 21 35,  (BC,BE,EC) = 17 15 8,  (CD,ED,EC) = 10 6 8
    % ----------
    % Harry's perimeter ABCD = 96:  (AB,BD,AD) = 28 21 35,  (BC,BE,EC) = 20 16 12,  (CD,ED,EC) = 13 5 12
    % Finished in 55msec
  4. Brian Gladman 29 October 2017 at 3:16 pm

    Using Google’s Python interface to their Google Optimization Tools (or Jim’s MiniZinc wrapper), it is straightforward to produce a full constraint programming solution to this puzzle.

    from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
    from collections import defaultdict
    # 1. Set up the solver
    solver = pywrapcp.Solver('Sunday Times Teaser 2875')
    # 2. Create the model variables
    AB, BD, AD, BC, CD, BE, ED, EC = vars = [solver.IntVar(1, 40, x) for x in 
                                             'AB BD AD BC CD BE ED EC'.split()]
    ABCD = solver.IntVar(4, 160, 'ABCD')
    all_vars = vars + [ABCD]
    # 3. Set up the constraints
    solver.Add(BE + ED == BD)
    solver.Add(AB * AB + BD * BD == AD * AD)
    solver.Add(BE * BE + EC * EC == BC * BC)
    solver.Add(ED * ED + EC * EC == CD * CD)
    solver.Add(ABCD == AB + BC + CD + AD)
    # index solutions on the length of EC
    ec_to_sol = defaultdict(list)
    # 4. Initialise the solver
    solution = solver.Assignment()
    solver.NewSearch(solver.Phase(all_vars, solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, 
    # 5. Find possible solutions
    while solver.NextSolution():
      ab, bd, ad, bc, cd, be, ed, ec = [x.Value() for x in 
                                        (AB, BD, AD, BC, CD, BE, ED, EC)]
      # record solutions for Harry
      if ab + bc == ad + cd:
        ec_to_sol[EC.Value()].append(('H', ABCD.Value()))
      # record solutions for Tom
      if ab + be == ad + ed:
        ec_to_sol[EC.Value()].append(('T', ABCD.Value()))
    # look for solutions for both Harry and Tom with the same EC length
    for ce, sl in ec_to_sol.items():
      if len(sl) > 1:
        h, t = ([y for x, y in sl if x == c] for c in 'HT')
        if len(h) == len(t) == 1:
          print(f'(a) {h[0]}cm (b) {t[0]}cm.')
          print(f'Multiple solutions: (a) {h}cm (b) {t}cm.')
  5. Jim Randell 4 November 2017 at 7:50 am

    A blast from the past!

    Here’s a MiniZinc model that generates possibilities for Harry’s and Tom’s triangles as output. It runs in 67ms (using the [[ mzn-gecode -a ]] solver).

    %#! mzn-gecode -a
    % triangle CED
    var 1..39: CE;
    var 1..39: DE;
    var 1..39: CD;
    constraint CE * CE + DE * DE = CD * CD;
    % triangle BEC
    var 1..39: BE;
    var 1..39: BC;
    constraint BE * BE + CE * CE = BC * BC;
    % triangle ABD
    var 1..39: AB;
    var 1..39: BD = BE + DE;
    var 1..39: AD;
    constraint AB * AB + BD * BD = AD * AD;
    % we only need candidates for Harry and Tom
    constraint (AB + BC = AD + CD) \/ (AB + BE = AD + DE);
    solve satisfy;

    In fact there is only one possible triangle for Tom. There are two possible triangles for Harry, but only one of them has the same CE length as Tom’s triangle.

    The following Python program executes the above MiniZinc code and analyses the output to find matching possibilities for Tom and Harry. It uses the minizinc.py wrapper library (which, of course, I hadn’t written in 2013 when this puzzle was posted to the site). The overall execution time is 132ms.

    from collections import defaultdict
    from enigma import printf
    from minizinc import MiniZinc;
    # load the minizinc model for possible diagrams
    p = MiniZinc("enigma1427.mzn")
    # record perimters by CE for Harry and Tom
    Hs = defaultdict(list)
    Ts = defaultdict(list)
    # record results
    n = 0
    for (AB, AD, BC, BE, CD, CE, DE) in p.solve(result="AB AD BC BE CD CE DE"):
      if AB + BC == AD + CD:
        # Harry's diagram
        printf("Harry: CE={CE}, AB={AB} BC={BC}, AD={AD} CD={CD}")
        Hs[CE].append(AB + BC + CD + AD)
      if AB + BE == AD + DE:
        # Tom's diagram
        printf("Tom: CE={CE}, AB={AB} BE={BE}, AD={AD} DE={DE}")
        Ts[CE].append(AB + BC + CD + AD)
      n += 1
    printf("[considered {n} diagrams]")
    # find common CE values
    for CE in set(Hs.keys()).intersection(Ts.keys()):
      # output perimiters for Harry and Tom
      printf("CE={CE}: Harry={H}, Tom={T}", H=Hs[CE], T=Ts[CE])

    We can remove line 21 from the MiniZinc model to generate all possible diagrams (there are 45, the same number that my original program considers). The Python program only selects those that are applicable to Tom and Harry anyway, and the overall run time is the same.

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